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Don't have time to measure? Get the MyONE Sample Kit! Each sample kit comes with 3 different sized condom samples from either Snug, Classic, or Large condom range. Also included is the FitKit measuring tool so you can measure and adjust your fit as needed. In total, MyONE Custom Fit has 9 different widths and 10  different lengths to choose from 

Snug Sample Kit: Did you know regular condoms are 7 inches long, too long for 91% of people? Choose this sample kit if you find regular condoms too long and/or too loose.

Classic Sample Kit: Choose this sample kit if you find regular condoms are a pretty good fit, but you want to upgrade to a perfect length and width.

Large Sample Kit: Did you know regular condoms are too tight for 70% of people? Choose this sample kit if you find regular condoms too tight or not the right length.

My One Classic Sampler 3 Ct

Excluding Sales Tax
  • Manufacturer: Paradise Marketing

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